It is important to be aware of your rights as a victim in whatever state you happen to be located in. As a bail bondsman in Oklahoma City, Laurie Poole is more than familiar with the rights of victims in Oklahoma. Being aware of your rights as a victim of a crime is important – for example, if you are in danger, you have the right to protection.
With that being said, it is surprising how many people are not aware of their rights as a victim in the state of Oklahoma (or any other state for that matter). This is why Laurie makes it a point to share her knowledge on the topic.
For starters, as a victim of a crime, you have the right to be alerted when a court proceeding requiring the presence of a victim and/or witness will or will not go on as scheduled; saving you a trip to the courthouse.
You also have the right to information on financial assistance and any other assistance programs offered for victims and/or witnesses. In addition, as mentioned above, you also have the right to receive protection from any possible dangers post-witnessing or suffering the results of a crime.
Acting as a bail bondsman for Asset Bail Bonds in Oklahoma, Laurie is also aware that as a victim of a crime, you also have the right to be informed of the process to apply for and receive any restitution or fees that you, as a victim, are entitled to.
Furthermore, if the defendant is in possession of your personal property via theft or other unlawful means, you also have the right to either receive the property back or file a dispute in order to receive the property back.
On the technical side of things, as a victim of a crime, you also have rights that involve the proceedings of the defendant. For example, you can be notified of any plea bargain negotiations or of any overturned or remanded sentences and/or new trials.
You can also request to utilize your right to a safe waiting area during court proceedings that does not call for close proximity to defendants and/or family and friends of the defendants. The official state of Oklahoma website has more information on victim’s right and how to access the information mentioned.
Although you can hope to never experience the need to look up your rights as a victim, sometimes criminal situations cannot be avoided. Maybe you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe you are the victim of a more specifically thought out crime – either way, it is important to know that you have rights as a victim.
Laurie Poole, pulling from her experience working bail bonds in OKC, assures victims from all over the state of Oklahoma: exercise your rights because they are in place for your safety and security. If you suffer as a victim of a crime, at the very least know that your state can help you with the technicalities that come after.